Saturday, 2 June 2007

I Don't Need Your Concern

From the instant you dealt me with the blow,

I no longer need your concern,

Whatever hopes and dreams are truly illusions,

We've past the point of no return...

Do you wish to see me better so that you won't feel the guilt or conscience?

I don't need your sympathy,

Whatever hopes and dreams are truly illusions,

This is the way it has to be...

Shall we be friends and pretend we've never happened?

What is the point to this whole charade?

From the instant you dealt me with the blow,

The dice have been thrown, and destiny has been made...



Anonymous said...

why sound so heartbroken?

Yee-chan said...

Because... I'm in a heartbroken mode... haha...

Anonymous said...

u're in heartbroken mode. hmm.. it's just a phase ;)

Yee-chan said...

I wait for the day... :)

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