Tuesday, 12 June 2007

What Big Eyes You Have...

"You've got big eyes, so you'll have lots of space to put them in."

I have an aversion to sticking things into my eyes; I can't even instill eyedrops into my eyes without getting someone to instill them for me.

So when the optometrist put the contact lenses into my eyes, I had to force myself from shutting my eyes, up to the point when she told me to relax the eyes...

After getting them in, it was all smooth-flowing. I couldn't believe it that I got the lenses in to and out of my eyes, not once, but THREE times! (the optometrist wanted me to practise so that we could be sure that the first time I got the lenses out of my eyes wasn't just good luck. :P)

So yes! Now I have a pair of contact lenses to try out for two whole weeks before my next appointment!!! Woohoo...

Wide-eyed doe look here I come...



Anonymous said...

Yee Chan, I wanna see you without glass ;)

Yee-chan said...

Hahaha... yeah I will put up a pic of me when my eyes look less red and irritated ;)

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