Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Of Little Critters and Hot Chillies

I have to hand it to Nature its wonder of replication.

What do I mean?

Flash back 2011:

This is one of the better photos of Bluey - I will forever remember him this way - the mostly loveable rabbit.
An assortment of chillies I bought from the Pyrmont fresh food market.

Zoom forward 2013:

A female lop - I don't know what to make of her at the moment. 
Two types of chillies from my garden - the pyramid-shaped chilli was grown from seeds of one variety of chillies I bought from the Pyrmont fresh food market in 2011. 

I am most happy about my chilli crop, as showcased above. I have three different types of chilli plants, two of which I grew from seeds. 

More than a year later, Summer awards me with the first signs of flowers, then tiny fruits, then green fruits ripening to brilliant red. 

I have sliced them, eaten them raw, pickled them in vinegar, dried them, added them to soups, stir-fries, salads. 

Mmm mmm mmm, I love my chillies. 


Something Old, Many New

It has been a long while.

I didn't want to abandon this blog, after all, it has chronicled a good few years of my life abroad.

After more than a year on hiatus, I would like to continue...

Continue to document my life.

Please stay tuned. 

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