Friday, 27 August 2010

I don't

As I was telling J, I don't usually "get it off my chest".

If I really "got it off my chest", I'd land myself in situations which I would kick myself for later.

I still harbour the idealism that deep down inside, people know the difference between right and wrong, what's hurtful to say, and what's not...

Then again, I'm operating on the assumption that people share my beliefs, and know my thoughts and actions...

Sometimes even the people I've known for a very long time don't know what I'm thinking...

Must I be clear about my thoughts, about the things that make me feel bad, or sad? Does it really make situations better just by letting people know how I feel?

I know at this point in time, I don't have the guts to spill my guts... I can only do so through what little anonymity I have through the world wide web.


Sunday, 8 August 2010

My Life

I just turned down a job offer... the first time I have done that. I wonder if that was a good decision. After weighing the pros and cons, and mulling over it for a few days, it was a rational decision.

Life is not always about being rational...

I look at my life with a nagging feeling that something's amiss...

I want to do something exciting...

I want to be free to do things without repercussions of my actions...

I want...


Friday, 6 August 2010

Scotch Eggs

X saw Adam Liaw's recipe for Scotch Eggs at Coles'. She took the recipe home, C got excited about it, and we made them yesterday for dinner. The sambal was my mother's recipe, and we made the sambal much much spicier. We even used century eggs in two of the Scotch Eggs, which C thought was much better.

Verdict? We were not too sure what the hype of Adam Liaw's Scotch Egg was about. It was certainly inventive, perhaps Scotch Eggs were not our thing.

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